Monday, June 4, 2012

Oreo's Law

This is a political cartoon I felt compelled to do. The important thing to know about this is that the ASPCA is against positive progress in US shelters. Their medieval practices leave 25,000 animals dead in NYC alone each year. CAARA (Companion Animal Access and Rescue Act) would allow Rescue groups from NY and near by to take animals from the NYC ACC (animal 'care' and control) before they are euthanized. CAARA was started when an abused dog named Oreo was offered sanctuary by a Rescue group in upstate NY and instead killed by the ASPCA- even though there was safe, reliable rescue ready and willing to do everything to save Oreo.

Here is what No-Kill Nation's pioneer Nathan Winograd had to say the day CAARA was defeated:

Today, the ASPCA has succeeded in defeating badly needed shelter reform legislation in NYS, effectively condemning 25,000 animals a year to death. We've been trying to pass such a law since 2010. Each time, the ASPCA has led the charge to defeat the bill, choosing kill shelters and their regressive directors over the lives of the animals.

In fact, 49,404 animals have been killed in New York State shelters who rescue groups were ready, willing, and able to save since the ASPCA first defeated legislation which would have made it illegal for shelters to kill animals when qualified rescue groups were willing to save them. It is not easy to conceptualize 49,404 dead animals. But if you were driving along the road and each of those bodies was lined up end to end, that monumental trail of dead bodies would stretch approximately 15 miles long (and lead straight to ASPCA CEO Ed Sayres' door). Put another way, they would fill virtually all of the seats at Yankee stadium. When you donate to the ASPCA, you help fund this massacre. 

Dropping the ax was Agriculture Assembly Committee Chair Bill Magee. He did the ASPCA's bidding yet again. Let him know what you think:

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