Monday, September 28, 2015

New Ideas

A recent Bark Point Studio favorite

First Holiday Card of the season!

Cover for my YA Novel

Cover for my New children's book idea :)

Thursday, July 2, 2015


I am now being represented by Lemonade Illustration Agency!

Also, I have not updated this blog in FAR too long! Here are some of my recent favorites:

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Sashi Adopts A Brother AND Wilson Tries New Foods

I am beyond excited to have started working on the sequel to Sashi The Scared Little Sheltie written by Linda Greiner. I really missed drawing Sashi, and I love seeing her grow into such an amazing character. In her second book she is no longer scared and shy--- she's a princess! And her humans are going to Foster other Shelties in need, Sashi oversees all the other pups, but one pup, in particular, is very special and you'll just have to read it to find out why!

In other news, Wilson Tries New Foods is now available! I am so pleased with how this one turned out. The book looks great, its big and colorful. I just love reading the story over and over again. The rhymes and characters are so much fun. I had a great time illustrating Ashley Stewart's story about her pup Wilson, who learns to eat well.